Vaasthu is considered significant in India as it an ancient Indian science on the use and correctness of space. This stems from much more than the placement of a window or door during the construction of the house. The science works on the basic premise that the earth or soil is actually alive, and that all living or organic creatures emerge directly from it. This life force within the earth is called Vaasthu, and all objects placed on it share this life force. The earth therefore works as both substance and support. Vaasthu is also explained as the living space vas meaning to be or to live.
Elements of Vaasthu: Space, time and energy are traditionally perceived as existing in their free, unlimited state. Vaasthu believes that applying rhythm and order in other words, science to the way we live, move, and use time can discipline these three elements.
Vaasthu's History: This ancient Indian science Vaasthu is technical and was confined to architects or sthapathis and handed over by word of mouth or through hand-written monographs. It was treated as the science in the construction of temples and royal palaces. The principles of construction, architecture and sculpture have been incorporated in the science.
Epics like the Bruhatsamhita, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, Viswakarma Vaasthu Sastra, Samarangana Sutra Dharana and Aparajita Prutchcha, have also been responsible for Vaasthu being considered a science.
Early works on Vaasthu: The first official treatise on Vaasthu, the Kashyapa Shilpa, has been attributed to sage Kashyapa. In the treatise Agama Sastra, which explains the science of temples, Vaasthu is considered the basis for any type of construction. Excavations at Harappa and Mohenjo-daro are also proof of the influence of Vaasthu during the Indus Valley Civilisation.
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